A Unique Client and an Amazing Lawyer
We have an amazing lawyer who we use to help our clients in unique situations. This case was no exception.
We have an amazing lawyer who we use to help our clients in unique situations. This case was no exception.
We are honored to present the story of a young couple who have found self-sufficiency through hard work and sheer determination.
Calvin came to us from the FLDS a few years ago. He was not in a good head space, and through therapy and support, he is now a thriving, independent young man.
I just wanted to tell you how grateful I am for all that you have done to help me ever since I have found you. I came here with almost nothing; almost no money or official papers to prove that I am a U.S. citizen.
My journey with HOH began after I woke up one morning in agonizing tears and paralyzed by fear, guilt, and shame. The memories that woke me up were new to me and I did not understand what was going on in me.
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