Helping, Encouraging, and Loving Polygamists.

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Anette's Story of Hope from Holding Out Help

Leah’s Story of Hope

Leah was 16 when she realized her life was going nowhere. She was not allowed a formal education and had only been homeschooled to the 7th grade. She longed for more. ⁠ She hitched a ride to St. George and jumped on a shuttle headed for Salt Lake City.


Special Victims Investigations Conference

Our Founder, Tonia Tewell, was asked to speak at the Utah Special Victims Investigations Conference, along with a panel of HOH clients. Tonia presented a cultural sensitivity training on how to interact with those from polygamy and the panel shared their stories and how law enforcement could improve.

Q-Commons-Salt Lake City

Q Commons

We invite you to this year’s Q Commons where our Founder, Tonia Tewell, will be speaking. Her topic is: How Does Unconditional Love Help Those Who Have Been Forgotten By Our Society. ⁠⁠


Joseph’s Story

Joseph was only 13 when he mustered up the courage to flee from the shed he had been forced to live in for 3 months. You see, he wasn’t worthy to be part of the family. He was considered rebellious for talking to apostates (those that were part of the religion but chose to leave).


Our Awesome Volunteer Deborah

Deborah Lang has been tutoring Teresa, one of our young clients, for a year. Deborah has been volunteering with us for quite some time and has such a servant’s heart. She has an amazing ability to connect with kids of all ages.⁠